Guía T – Buenos Aires Bus Bible

The best way to know Buenos Aires is on a bus. We know it can be scary because there are too many bus lines with too many different colours and too many different numbers. But don´t worry, we have already posted some tips to travel by bus. Today, we will introduce you a very useful little guide that soon will become your best friend in porteñas streets… …the “Guía T”! The best place to get Read more…

Porque, por qué, por que, porqué / Spanish grammar tips

One of the most frequent questions during our lessons is: “What ‘s the difference between por qué and porque? We found this post online and we wanted to share it with you. Check it out! web site -> www.about.com http://spanish.about.com/od/writtenspanish/a/porque.htm Although porque, por qué, por que, and porqué have related meanings, they are not interchangeable. If you find them confusing as a Spanish student, you’re in good company: Native speakers often write them incorrectly as Read more…

Había una vez “una vez”/ Spanish linkers

Some words in Spanish are used to say many different ideas. One of the most useful ones is “vez” and its plural“veces”. If you don´t believe us, take a look at the followinglist. Algunas palabras en español se usan para decir mucahs cosas diferentes. Una de las más útiles es “vez” y su plural “veces”. Si no nos creés mirá la lista que sigue: VEZ means “a little piece” of time. We use it to Read more…

Spanish: the sexiest accent

According to a Lonely Planet survey, the Spanish accent is the sexiest, beating French. So, you should know that, if you are learning Spanish, you will have an advantage back home. While you are in Buenos Aires, if you happen to feel irresistibly seduced by someone´s accent, here are some phrases you might want to use! Según una encuesta de Lonely Planet, el acento español es él más sexy de todos. Por eso, si ahora Read more…

Spanish idioms (Buenos Aires) / NO DA no saber estas expresiones idiomáticas

There are some idioms that porteños use every two sentences. If you have porteño friends and you want to practice your Spanish with them, you should know these expressions. Hay algunas expresiones idiomáticas que los porteños usamos cada dos oreciones. Si tenés amigos de Buenos Aires y querpes practicar tu español con ellos, TENÉS QUE conocer estas expresiones Ni a ganchos/ ni a palos/ ni en pedo = no way! Che, Lucía, ¿vamos a ver Read more…

Greetings – Spanish tips (vocabulary)

If you want to practice your Spanish, you need to talk. If you want to talk, you need to say hello first. There are different ways to say hello and goodbye. Each one has its own context and implies different things. Here, a little list of greetings in Spanish. Practice them! Hola – You already know this one! Is the most common and basic greeting. You can conbine it with other phrases.  ¿Qué hacés? / ¿Cómo andás? / ¿Cómo Read more…

¿Cuánto hace? / ¿Desde cuándo? – Spanish grammar tips (linkers)

Sebastián meets James… – Hola, ¿qué tal? Soy Sebas, ¿y vos? -Hola, soy James. – ¡James!, vos no sos porteño. ¿De dónde sos? – Soy inglés. – ¡Ah!, ¿cuánto hace que estás en Buenos Aires? – (Ups!, how do I answer that #$%!question!) Don ´t worry, James!! Ñ goes to the rescue!!! We know that you can only conjugate verbs in Present Tense, but you can still answer questions about your past! HACE + PERÍODO DE TIEMPO + Read more…

Linkers – Spanish tips

When we talk or write, we need to conect ideas. That’s why there are linkers, which are like the cement that sticks the bricks together. Here, we chose a list of linkers that sometimes are difficult to understand and use. ~ A pesar de+ sustantivo = in spite of. A pesar de la lluvia, voy a salir = Llueve pero voy a salir de todos modos. ~ A pesar de que + frase (con verbo) = Read more…

FAQ about coffee in Buenos Aires

Café culture is a big part of Buenos Aires identity. Porteños spend much time at cafés reading, studying, chatting with friends, watching football matches or just staring out the window.Every single place in the world has its own rules and habits when it comes to restaurantes, bars or cafés. Here are some important things that you should know when you are in the mood for a good warm coffee. 1)  En buenos Aires, un “bar” Read more…

¡Animate! – Cursos varios en español

Si querés aprender español, tenés que tomar clases. Pero también es necesario exponerse a situaciones donde haya que usar todo lo que aprendiste con tu profesor o profesora. Por eso, siempre recomendamos hacer otras actividades totalmente diferentes. Por ejemplo, yoga,  baile, música,  fotografìa.  Así, vas a tener que usar el español como una herramienta para expresarte, para comunicarte, para entender.  Cuando no estás concentrado en hablar  correctamente, sino en tocar una nota o hacer un paso de baile, también incorporás el Read more…